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Marcus Hill

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Marcus has more than 30 years experience working in a variety of roles ranging from strategy, consulting and operations in both the public, private and not for profit sectors. He has considerable experience in the commercial arena working with clients in legal, defence, housing, aviation and healthcare. He is delighted to be offered the position of Chair of Trustees and looks forward to working with the Enrych board in driving forward and supporting their goals and, in turn, helping all those who benefit from the charity. His previous volunteering experience includes running cycling proficiency schemes for primary school children and, as a cycle leader supporting adults who wish to get back in the saddle. Marcus is a graduate of the University of Reading and holds a number of professional qualifications, in his spare time he enjoys travel, time with his family and in particular, as someone  who is passionate about all things to do with water, loves simply being on his boat exploring the English coast. Home, however is in land locked Oxfordshire where he has lived most of his life.

Janet Marshall

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Janet joined Enrych (originally called Ryder Cheshire Volunteers) as volunteer and has remained one for over twenty years. This is in addition to her role as a trustee which she has done for fifteen years. She joined the charity because she wanted to make a difference, and her ethos from being a nurse, is to care for everyone, irrespective of who they are, and work to provide and value each one as a member of society.

She has many hobbies including reading, cinema, theatre, walking and swimming.


Richard Thorne

Leaving school at 15, Richard started full time work with the MoD as an Industrial Civil Servant. Having spare time on his hands, he joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force RAF Regiment for a brief time followed by a time as a Retained Fireman at his local fire station.

After about a year and following his first industrial accident, he had to leave the fire service. He then sustained his second industrial accident, a crush injury to his spine. This time he was medically retired in November 1995. Having plenty of spare time, he picked up his cameras once again which has become his real passion.  It has helped him with depression, which he has experienced as a result of chronic pain. He has been a member of Enrych for over 10 years and thoroughly enjoys all aspects of the charity. He has made loads of new friends and Enrych has helped him achieve some of his lifelong photographic goals.  He feels now is the time to give something back to Enrych and very much looks forward to joining the other Trustees.

Simon Clifford


Simon spent over 30 years as an IT consultant before retiring in 2022. For the last 5 years he has been a volunteer for Enrych and  has gained a genuine understanding of the barriers which are presented to those with limited mobility in daily life. 

Now a trustee, Simon is looking forward to using his commercial skills as a former company director in the role of treasurer. He is also keen to promote the rewards of our volunteer work and to raise awareness of the charity’s services. As both a keen baker and hill walker, Simon has enjoyed combining these passions with fund raising events and hopes to do more of this in the future.

Stella Nwadike


Stella has experience working with people living with disability and social isolation. She graduated from Oxford Brookes University. She believes that disabled people have skills and talents that can propel our society and the world at large. Stella has a genuine interest in the welfare of people. Her understanding is that people living with a disability are not given equal opportunities as society has failed to create a physical world that serves all irrespective of ability or disability. Her ethos: ''Be authentic,  embrace all aspects of yourself and your ability because it is the totality of who you are or have become''. 

Stella is interested in making a difference in people's lives. Her hobbies include traveling, reading, and playing lawn tennis.''


We are a small charity supporting adults with a physical disability across Oxfordshire. For over 30 years Enrych's core service has been to pair our members (who are all adults with disabilities) with a volunteer partner so that they are able to access leisure and learning activities of their choice.​ Having Enrych support enhances the life of a person with a disability who is (or is at risk of becoming) isolated and helps them to become/stay integrated into their local community. This support helps prevent the isolation that often comes with a disability and also helps avoid or overcome issues of low esteem, lack of motivation, confidence and depression.

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